
Cetegra High Performance Computing (HPC) is a turn-key solution, delivers mass processing power for running advanced simulations efficiently, reliably and quickly.

Energy-specific solution

HPC is the ideal solution for various energy-specific workflows.

Wind energy production and design, seismic imaging for oil and gas exploration, and reservoir simulation for hydrocarbon production are all resource-intensive techniques requiring more than supercomputing capacity.

Compute-intensive tasks can also be very expensive and are not always readily available.

This is why Cetegra HPC has been designed to give energy professionals, such as reservoir engineers, instant access to unlimited computing power so they can process simulations and calculations efficiently, reliably, and quickly.

Cetegra HPC is ideal for companies with large simulation requirements, drastically shortening simulation time. Unlike generic HPC implementations, Cetegra HPC is a domain-specific solution for the energy industry that leverages Cegal’s unique knowledge.

Read more about HPC on the product page.