
The Cetegra Workspace Store allows users to order hardware, software, accesses and other company assets.

The Store module is conveniently located on the left navigation menu. Simply click on the Store icon to access it.

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How to Order Items

  1. Search for Items: Utilize the search field (1) to find specific store items.
  2. Select a Category: Alternatively, choose a category (2) to explore.

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The ordering process remains consistent across all store categories, although item displays and some configurations might differ. Here’s a guide to the standard order workflow:

  • Main Search: For a swift search, employ the main search function on the store homepage. Type in your query and select a result to view detailed item information. Remember, items are grouped by their respective store categories.

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  • Browse by Category: If you prefer browsing, select a category to see its items.

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Scroll through the list to discover more items. Use the page selector at the bottom or adjust the display settings to view up to 100 items at once.

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Understanding Item Details

Clicking on an item will display its comprehensive details. Here, you can:

  • View detailed item information.
  • Add comments (optional).
  • Click Add to cart to request the item.

If an item requires approval (from a line manager, IT manager, HR, etc.), you’ll find this information on the top right corner of the details window.

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Finalizing Your Request

Once you’ve added items to your cart, you must submit the cart to finalize your request.

  1. Click on the cart icon (top right).
  2. Review your items. You can remove items, adjust quantities, or clear the cart.
  3. Click Submit cart to complete your request.

Tip: The cart icon displays the number of added items.

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Monitoring Your Requests

Navigate to the My requests tab to oversee both active and historical requests. This section provides:

  • Order status.
  • Detailed order information.
  • Approval status and comments.
  • Pricing and more.

To view order specifics or status, click the Track button.

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Handling Approvals

If you’re tasked with approving requests, the My approvals tab showcases all requests awaiting your decision. Here, you can:

  • View pending and completed requests.
  • Review order details.
  • Approve or deny requests.
  • Communicate with users via comments.

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Note: Example images will be added in the future for enhanced clarity.