
The forms and actions system in the Cetegra Catalog has been designed to meet a wide range of needs, from simple comment fields to product configuration and advanced forms and workflows.

The submit actions that are available can be used to send emails or SMS, to add or remove users from AD groups automatically, to add approval steps or other useful actions.

On this page, we will take a look at the submit actions, learn about the connection between input tokens and submit forms, and also see some examples of how to configure different use cases.

For a quick intro, check out the introduction page.

To get started, add a new product or edit an existing product. Forms and actions can also be set on a category level, so all products in the category will inherit the configuration. (A product can be set to ignore the category-level actions).


Click the Forms and actions tab in the product/category configuration window.

Read more about the other parts of the Forms and actions panel here.

Configuration of submit actions

There are different submit actions that can be used for a wide range of purposes.

The submit actions execute in order, so it is important that for example an approval action is executed before adding a user to a group.

Some of the actions can access the input values defined in the forms, as long as the inputs are set with a name.

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Form tokens

Form tokens are used for dynamic content in emails, SMS, and other actions.

There are some default tokens available, and it is also possible to create custom tokens using the input values from forms.

Usage of tokens

The tokens system is available for the following actions: send email, send SMS, ServiceNow request and send web request.

The tokens can be used in the different inputs for the actions. For example for email subject, email body, recipient, SMS message, and so on.

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Default tokens

The default tokens make it possible to access dynamic values, like product name or user email.

See the following list for the available default tokens:

  • Name of the tenant/company
  • Name of the user’s manager
  • Email of the user’s manager
  • Mobile number of the user’s manager
  • User’s name
  • User’s email
  • user.upn: User’s UPN
  • User’s mobile number
  • approvers: List of the approvers
  • product.title: Title of the product
  • product.description: Description of the product
  • form.fields: List of all form fields, including dynamic input values. This can be used for a simple output of all input values in an email, for example.
  • The unique ID for the order
  • order.createDate: The date the order was created
  • order.createTime: The time the order was created
  • order.cartId: The unique ID for the cart. This is the ID that can be used for direct linking to the order.

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Custom tokens

To be able to access a custom token from a form, make sure the form input is set with a name.

The custom tokens will be visible on the top of the token list and can be used in the same way as the default tokens.

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Submit action types

Add user to group

Select a group the user should be added to. Multiple groups can be select4ed

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It is possible to set a time limit for a group membership. The user will be removed from the group when the time limit is reached.

For now, the time limit is set in days.

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Remove user from a group

Removing a user from a group. This can be used for example for offboarding, or to remove a certain access type to be replaced with another.

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Create ServiceNow request

A ticket in ServiceNow will be created.

Use tokens for dynamic content.

An assignment group can be defined.

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Get local administrator password (LAPS)

This is a specific action for getting the local administrator password for a computer.

The user will be able to select a computer from the list (the list is populated with computers Cetegra Client).

After the order is completed, the user will receive the local administrator password via SMS.

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Install Intune app

This action lets you configure a catalog item that will install an Intune app on a device.

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The user will be able to select a supported device from the list.

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Send mail

The email action can be used to send an email to one or more recipients.

Tags can be used for both the body and the other inputs (sender, recipient and subject).

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For mail type, choose between HTML and plain text.

If the attachment input is set on the form, the attachment will be included in the email when mail type is set to Plain with attachments/HTML with attachments.

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If no sender is set, the default sender email will be used (

Send SMS

It’s easy to set up SMS notifications using the SMS action.

Add sender (optional) and recipient, and use tokens for dynamic content.

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Require approval

The approval action is covered in the approval section.

Send web request

Web requests are used to connect to third-party systems.

All verbs are supported (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, PATCH), and data can be sent in JSON or XML format, or raw.

Tokens are available for dynamic content.

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Start runbook

Available for customers with Automation enabled

Start runbook is used to trigger runbooks in the Cegal automation system.

Select runbook and environment. The runbook can be configured with parameters, and tokens can be used for dynamic input.

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To learn more about the Cetegra Automation system, contact your Cegal representative.

Start solution

Available for customers with Automation enabled

As for Start runbook, Start solution is used to trigger solutions in the Cegal automation system.

Solutions are collections of runbooks, and can be used to automate more complex processes.

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To learn more about the Cetegra Automation system, contact your Cegal representative.

Use “Order now”

By default, products will be added to the cart when the user clicks the Add to cart button.

If you want to skip the cart and go directly to the order page, you can use the Order now action.

Each product can be configured to use Order now instead of Add to cart, or both.

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The label of the “Order now” button can be changed.

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In this case, the user will see the button Request installation.

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