Front Page

The front page of the Catalog can be customized and adjusted by the Store Manager.

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The front page contains the following sections:

  • Search field
  • Main navigation
  • Category navigation
  • Slides
  • My orders/approvals
  • Categories and product highlights


A configuration preset (Configs) controls how the front page should look. It can contain different slides and featured categories, including some other options.

It is possible to add multiple Config presets and switch between what config should be active.

Click the Configure icon to open the configuration panel. Make sure the Edit mode is enabled.

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It is possible to configure multiple Config presets.

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Click Add or Edit.

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  • Name: Set a configuration name to easily identify the different configurations
  • Active: Flag to activate the selected configuration
  • Show “Recently viewed items” on the landing page: The user will see the last visited store items on the landing page
  • Slides: Slides that will appear in the carousel/slider on the landing page
  • Featured Categories: Select Categories to display on the landing page


The slides appear for the end users on the front page and can display a category, a single product or custom HTML.

To add a new slide, click Add slide and select slide type (Category, Product og HTML).

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Available for Category and Product slides

A description can be added to the slide. It will be displayed below the title.

To add a description, click the Description button and select Edit. Click the same button, but select Done when finished adding a description.

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Background color

Select the Background color selector to set a background color. Background color can be set using the slides, adding a hex code or picking the color using the Pick color tool. Transparency can also be set.

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Text font and size

Adjust the size and color for the title and description text using the Font style tool.

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Image attributes

The Image attributes tool can be used to adjust the size and position of the category/product image.

Set the image width and height to adjust the size, and use the offset sliders to adjust the image position.

It is recommended to test the image position by saving the slide and viewing it on the front page, and then do adjustments if needed.

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Custom content

Use the HTML slide type to add custom content to a slide.

Use the rich text editor to format the content.

It is possible to add images, embed videos, tables, links and a lot more - be creative!

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Featured Categories can be used to promote specific categories.

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