Group review

Group audit functionality.

The Access Manager role is needed for group review.

How to use

For group reviewers.

A user who is set as a Group Reviewer for one or several groups will be able to access these groups from, Workspace -> Group Review.

picture 4

In the review view, all groups the user is a reviewer for will be listed together with information about the revision state of the group.

When clicking “Review”, the following tabs will be available:

  1. Users – Shows a list of current members of the group, possible to add/remove.
  2. Groups – Shows a list of groups with membership, possible to add/remove.
  3. Membership Changes – Shows changes done to membership since the last review.
  4. Review History – Shows past revisions with dates
  5. Group Audit – Shows all changes done to the group

Looking over the members and past changes the reviewer can then approve the group.

A new review will be triggered based on the revision interval set on the group by the administrator.

How to set up

Setting up on group:
Manage -> Groups -> Edit (on the group) -> Advanced

Click the Enable user review checkbox.

The default setup looks like this:

picture 5

  • Number of days between each revision
    Set how often the group should be revised.

  • Days to complete review before it is flagged as overdue
    If not complete within the time mentioned above, after how many days should it be flagged as overdue?

  • Send e-mails to reviewers based on interval
    Sends a reminder by mail. If not checked, the pending reviews will only show when logged into the Cegal Cloud Portal.

Contents of the email being sent can be changed:
Administration -> Settings -> Message contents

Edit the “Group review reminder e-mail” (This should usually not be necessary)

Configure notification when missing reviewer(s)

When using the Access Manager role, it is possible to set up email notifications if a group (with group review enabled) is missing a reviewer.

This is configured here:

Administration -> Settings -> Settings

“Access Manager Email Notification on Missing Group Reviewer” “Access Manager Email Notification Interval In Days” – Set number of days

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