
The Administrator role in Cetegra Workspace is akin to a master key, unlocking a multitude of functions and enabling the delegation of roles to users. This role is the linchpin, encompassing the capabilities of most other roles.

The orchestration of role delegation unravels in the Role Overview module. This is the sanctum where all conceivable roles are showcased, contingent on the functionalities activated for the client.

Pathway: Administration > Role Overview

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Let’s embark on an exploration of the roles nestled within.


Access Manager

Navigation: Administration > Group Review

This role is the torchbearer for group reviews. Endowing a user with the Access Manager role unveils a “Group Review” tile under the “Manage” tab.

Delve deeper into the Access Manager role here.

Catalog Manager

The Catalog Manager dons the mantle of curator for the catalog, empowering users to craft, modify, and configure its content.

Cetegra Client Manager

This role is the steward of the Cetegra Client, steering the management of devices and pertinent applications.

Plunge into the intricacies of Cetegra Client management here.

Download Manager

Pathway: Administration > Downloads

Wielding the Download Manager role equips users to administrate files and documents primed for download via the Workspace > Download tile.

Discover more about the Download Manager here.


The Messaging role is the conduit to the SMS module in Cetegra Workspace. It empowers users to dispatch SMS messages to individual users or user cohorts, directly from the system.

Ops Manager

Navigation: Administration > Operating Statuses

The Ops Manager role is vested with the authority to broadcast messages, ensuring visibility for every user logging into Cetegra Workspace.

Learn more about the Ops Manager role here.

Report Manager

Pathway: Administration > Reports

The Report Manager is the custodian of report access, overseeing permissions for users or groups. On-demand, reports can be made accessible.

Navigate the realm of Report Manager here.

Ticket Manager

Navigation: Administration > All Tickets

The Ticket Manager possesses an omniscient view, overseeing all tickets. This role can peruse ticket details and intersperse comments.

For a comprehensive understanding, visit Ticket Management.

User Manager

Pathways: Manage > User, Manage > Groups

The User Manager role is the gatekeeper of users and groups, endowed with both reading and writing privileges.

Dive into the world of User Management here.

User Requestor

Navigation: Manage > User Request

The User Requestor has the prerogative to append details to nascent user profiles. These profiles remain in a draft state, and a formal request is dispatched to the User Manager for final creation.

User Viewer

Pathway: Manage > User

The User Viewer role functions as a panoramic lens, providing unhindered viewing access and facilitating searches across all users.

Each role, meticulously crafted, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the Cetegra Workspace. Whether you’re an administrator or a user, understanding the nuances of these roles is crucial to harnessing the platform’s full potential.